Last Sunday saw the gathering of Los Angeles' finest at Barkeeper in Silverlake. Since March of 2008 and every month since, Marcos Tello has been organizing The Sporting Life get together for drink slingers, enthusiastic amateurs, formerly jaded bloggers and curious onlookers. This meeting of the minds are treated to food and beverage, lessons in mixology techniques, historic anecdotes and some downright debauchery, which may be considered a bad thing but this was all in the quest for community.
Back in 2008, we started with 8 and a very enthusiastic idea. We wanted to drink good cocktails and in LA these are as rare as an open lane during rush hour. (In the 4 years I have been here, traffic has gone from ridiculous to something inexplicably far more than ridiculous, even with the advent of hands free telephone laws).
Now 1 year later, The Sporting Life is over 60 members strong with a great number of those also having joined the USBG. So what better way to celebrate than go back to where it all started, Barkeeper in Silverlake. A great big thanks to our gracious and ever giving and supportive host Joe Keeper. It was a squeeze, but we ate and drank and made merry with generous donations of time and product from Partida Tequila, St. Germain, Martin Millers Gin, Edison Beer, Luxury Ice and Malo Restaurant. Guest bartending appearances from Leo, Vincenzo, Christine, Eric, Joe, Michel, Pablo, Juan, Chris, John and yours truly. Although he wasn’t on the roster H. Joseph Ehrmann from Elixir in S.F. made a guest appearance too. We have no trouble finding great cocktail these days, the only drawback is finding a parking spot. Happy Cocktailing - Damian